Heaviest Carved Ceramic Plate
The record for the heaviest carved ceramic plate measures 400kg(137cm Diameter) and was sculpted by
Nguyen Hung of Hanoi Vietnam.… Continue reading
The record for the heaviest carved ceramic plate measures 400kg(137cm Diameter) and was sculpted by
Nguyen Hung of Hanoi Vietnam.… Continue reading
The record for the longest recording marathon with multiple artists is 40 hours with 30 artists and was achieved by … Continue reading
The record for the fastest time to arrange a chess set blindfolded is 62 seconds and was achieved by Jeet … Continue reading
The record for the Largest Hex Nut Sculpture measures 10 feet high and weighs 3.5 tons and was created by … Continue reading
The record for the First High Altitude Balloon Launch in an African Continent was achieved by high school students of … Continue reading
The record for the longest virtual career guidance session lasted for 28 hours 40 minutes and was organized by LMES … Continue reading
The record for the fastest woman cyclist to cover Leh to Manali was achieved by Preeti Maske of Pune,India by … Continue reading
The record for the longest time to hold wide-angle seated forward bend pose (Yoga) is 24 minutes and was achieved … Continue reading
The record for the largest cancer ribbon representation filled with human hair measures 25 feet length and 11 feet width … Continue reading
The record for the largest boxing lesson consists of 14,299 people and was achieved by Mexico City on 18th June … Continue reading